Thursday, April 19, 2007

How D'You Like Me Now?

A couple of months ago I received an e-mail from a reader (actually a source on a non-film story who had followed the link given at the end of all my e-mails; if you can't plug your own blog, who can?) who said that the color scheme of Cine-Journal was a bit hard to read. I'm not sure what he was referring to, but I kept that thought in the back of my mind, a space that resembles the world's messiest attic. This evening/morning (it's 3 a.m. right now in NYC) I had nothing better to do other than perhaps watching a half-dozen films that I have to write about this weekend, so I decided to take him at his word. This marks the third different look for this blog. I bet that Dick Cheney hasn't changed his mind that often in the past 70 years.

If ever.

Comments are welcome (another departure from Cheney/Bush policies).

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This blog no longer exists

 As you can probably tell, I have been too busy (and/or too porrly motivated) to continue Cine-Journal. The final straw was that some genius...